Ant Richards
Previous stuff
(...or living in the past)
What is all this DAMNED IF I DON'T nonsense that I'm making such a fuss about lately?
Yep, the rumors are true. Against my better judgment, I joined the crowdfunding fever sweeping the world of entrepreneurs and independent artists looking for ingenious ways of financing their projects.
Following the launch of IN YOUR DREAMS and ending up in serious debt producing it, I decided to change my approach for my second book, a collection of short stories DAMNED IF I DON'T. And I can safely say, the gamble paid off. I managed to raise 59% of my intended target, enough to cover the editing, proofreading, upload, shipping and other incidental costs associated with this phase of launching a book.
Now that the campaign is over I will start the content edit and proofreading of the book aided by Lena Hedges and apply the final touches to the cover which was beautifully designed by the talented Jesus Barrios. Then it will go live on Amazon, hopefully by end of September.
In the meantime for more up-to-date news on the progress of DAMNED IF I DON'T, you can follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
You can also contact me by visiting the 'message & contacts' link and email me. I'll be more than happy to reply and engage!
With best wishes
Ant Richards
It finally happened!
On Saturday 15th of November, I held my first official book signing event for IN YOUR DREAMS at the Polish Tavern in Baring road, Lee.
We had a full house and more importantly, a fantabulous night.
Friends, family, supporters, collaborators, all from far and near gathered together for a night of Polish hospitality, good food, great beers, ah, and there was this one Ant Richards and some book or the other...IN YOUR DREAMS I think it was...
12 August 2014
As it were to be expected, sharing 'In Your Dreams' to the world and its auntie was always going to be a challenge.
However, not only the UK, but the USA, the Netherlands, Spain and somewhere in the Caribbean, the word is getting out and reviews are even starting to pour in; slowly, but they are coming in.
After my summer break, I will be starting work with some local organizations in Lee and the South east of London as well as some of my lovely supporters to help promote 'In your Dreams.'
Again, I want to thank each and every one of you lovely people for you great support. Y'all know who you are!

7 August, 2014'
In your Dreams' reaching out to the world! Here I am in Madrid with Margot (left) one of my lovely supporters who has bravely taken the chance with my book. We're definitely going places!

Later in the month, Bea (right) from Mostoles, near Madrid, also allowed me the the pleasure of appearing in her picture clutching a copy of 'In your Dreams'!
27 June, 2014
IN YOUR Dreams
Today, 'In your Dreams', Ant Richards' debut novel was released by iUniverse.
Whether or not you endear yourself to Jack Parsons - I'm sure you will - there is no doubt that most of you would rather not be in his shoes! Or would you?
... sleeping is just about to become dangerous.
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
...And we got liftoff!!!
Yes folks, do not adjust your eyes, I am now truly and finally online!
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Yep folks! Ant Richards is out on the web!!!
After months of fine-tuning, scrutinizing details and getting everything into gear, I have finally launched my website. In the next few weeks, 'In Your Dreams' will be available to download and purchase.
Unfolding 'In your Dreams!'
Sometime during the first quarter of 2011, a weird dream inspired me to write this story. Two and a half years later, through sleepless nights, endless daydreaming, lonely hotel rooms, countless bars, pubs, cafes, even flights and park benches, 'In your Dreams' gathered shape. Some memorable dates followed:
31 October 2013 - Original manuscript completed and submitted to my Editor
End of November - Manuscript returned with recommendations and suggested alterations.
Christmas 2013 - First review of manuscript completed.
Personally, not satisfied so beginning of new year sees me working on the second revision, completed end of January 2014.
Third and last amendment completed end of February. Sent for Content Edit at the start of March.
End of March, saw the first edited version returned for my review with [yet again] more recommendations!
Mid April, another Editorial Review took place.
Mid May, after further adjustments to the revised manuscript - it's amazing how the current version has changed from the original - 'In your Dreams' started the cover as well as the interior design and towards the end of month we are starting the proof-reading process.
June was a pretty hectic and busy month for me on a personal basis as well as for the production of 'In your Dreams'.
After a few corrections, adjustments, tweaking here and there, 'In your Dreams' finally got its cover design made.
Finally, 'In your Dreams' went into printing on 24 June and Ant Richards website is now out to terrorize the literary world!
Facebook page and Twitter are also live and kicking, so feel free to like and follow!
Now, In your dreams is available on I-Universe, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and major online retailers and hopefully very soon, at a bookstore near you.
As far as I am concerned, a dream come true.
Ant Richards